Friday, November 1, 2013

The Lone Star

Julia Fouts
Once upon a time there lived a star; and in that star, there was the soul of a girl. This star was bright and small, a young star recently born from the dying girl. The star was shy but careful, watching the other souls that had once touched the girl’s heart. As the star watched, she began to feel lonely. The lonely star with the little girl’s soul needed a companion, a friend. While riding along the galaxy, the star felt trapped and alone in the endless universe. Then, after seeing the deaths of all those the girl once knew, and after watching the earth slowly die, the star realized something amazing. All the other souls that passed had also become stars, locked in the heavens. The star no longer felt lonely, but instead, she gleamed with hope. She shone with indescribable joy as she knew the possibilities of finding an intimate. The star took comfort in knowing the hearts and souls of those the girl once knew were out there somewhere -- looking for her, just as she now looks for them. All she must do now is wish upon a star.