Ali Jenkins
Homer students once again represented Central New York at the 2014 New York State Youth and Government conference in Albany! These students joined 600 other teens from across the state to experience the branches and programs of our government. Homer students served as attorneys and justices in the judicial branch and as bill sponsors, cabinet members, and committee chairs in the legislative branch. The following students held leadership positions at the conference:
Baylie Goddard: Committee Chair
Grace Gugerty: Committee Chair
Erik Gustafson: Secretary of State
Andrew Jacobi: Justice
Ali Jenkins: Commissioner of Environmental Protection
Jas Singh: Justice
After a long weekend of hard work, fun memories, and not much sleep, many Homer students were recognized for their achievements. In addition to several nominated students, these delegates received “best” awards, which reward delegates’ achievements through a peer voting process.
“Best Attorney:” Tighe Gugerty
In addition to these students, the entire Cortland YMCA club performed outstandingly at this year’s conference! New and returning members alike shone due to their preparation and passion. All those who attended the conference should be proud of their achievements, regardless of what cases won and which bills were passed and signed. If you see any of the following students in school, be sure to congratulate them on their hard work!
After a long weekend of hard work, fun memories, and not much sleep, many Homer students were recognized for their achievements. In addition to several nominated students, these delegates received “best” awards, which reward delegates’ achievements through a peer voting process.
“Best Attorney:” Tighe Gugerty
“Best Brief:” Joe Settineri
“Best Debater in the Senate:” Drew Gustafson
“Best Debater in Assembly Liberty:” Ali Jenkins
Finally, twenty-one students are chosen each year to represent New York State at the national Youth and Government week, the Conference on National Affairs (CONA). This year, Grace Gugerty, Andrew Jacobi, and Ali Jenkins were chosen to represent Homer High School and New York State at this conference, and Erik Gustafson was chosen as an alternate delegate for the program.
Alex Contento, Joey Esposito, Liam George, Kennedy George, Baylie Goddard, Abbey Gray, Grace Gugerty, Tighe Gugerty, Drew Gustafson, Erik Gustafson, Tyler Hatfield Andrew Jacobi, Ali Jenkins, Sarah Jensen, Jordan Laundry, Jared LoGerfo, Bill McLaughlin, Carmela Mooney, Mara Nasiatka, Matt Pelowski, Josh Sands, Joe Settineri, Jas Singh, Aysia Smith, Erica Stevens, Tim Swenson, Kenian Ulrich, Matt Walling, and Sophie Whittington. Wonderful job, everyone!