Monday, November 12, 2012

Key Leadership Breakfast

Ali Jenkins

On October 18th, the Communities That Care Coalition held a Key Leader Breakfast for prevention groups in Cortland. The Coalition aims to create “a safe, stable community that supports positive values, education, diversity and investment in youth.” Those who work in conjunction with Communities That Care hope to achieve these goals through preventative measures “to reduce adolescent alcohol and other drug abuse, teen pregnancy, delinquency, school dropout rates, and teen violence.” The breakfast was held to recognize members of the community who have exhibited dedication to the prevention of these prominent community issues.
Homer High School’s SADD was among the groups invited to attend. The advisor, Mr. Massenzio, and the club’s officers represented SADD at this event. Homer students Jasminique Harris, Richie Howell, Ali Jenkins, Rachel McNeil, and Tamsin Smith attended. The group gave a presentation on SADD’s work within our high school, focusing on its preventative measures. The students highlighted the club’s events throughout the year, including game nights, movie nights, SADD’s Largest Red Ribbon, and the Pre-Prom Assembly. The group also discussed The Potty Pages, SADD’s monthly educational newsletter.
SADD officers were able to learn about other prevention efforts in the community, as well. Additional speakers included the police chief for the City of Cortland, the captain for the Country Sheriff’s Department, a speaker from Social Host Legislation, the Mayor’s Youth Council, and a speaker from the Cortland County Youth Leadership, as well as many others. The breakfast fostered a sense of enthusiasm and unity, and attendees were able to share their passion for bettering the community.