Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wildlife Wednesday: Holiday Decorations #2

Mary Cope

As we wrap up our final weeks of school before winter break, most of us are finishing our holiday decorating. Many people do not realize that they can make pretty decorations that double as yummy holiday treats for winter critters!
Pine cone bulbs require nothing more than several pine cones, a bit of string or twine, some peanut butter, and bird seed! To make this treat for birds, simply tie the string around a pine cone before applying peanut butter. Next, roll your ornament in some bird seed. Now, you have a wonderful, attractive decoration to hang on any tree, shrub, or bird feeder. This holiday decoration makes your yard look festive and feeds the birds, as well! It will provide them with a protein-rich, healthy snack during the cold days. Once the birds clean the pine cones, you can simply repeat the process. This will attract wonderful songbirds to your backyard all winter long!
(Mary Cope is a junior whose interests span from dog shows to falconry. She particularly enjoys flying her hawk, Theron, in the woods behind her home. Mary’s immersion in the natural world for her various hobbies has instilled in her a deep appreciation for the environment and the many creatures to which it is home.)