Monday, June 3, 2013

Test Preparation Tips

Liam George

​            The end is almost here, and it is time to begin studying! There are many different ways to prepare for these tests, but everybody has their own studying style. Here is a list of different techniques that can be used:
• Make a list of all the things that you need to study for your tests.
• Divide your work into sizes that you can manage.
• Schedule your time.
• Make it a habit to study everyday.
• Study while away from distractions, not in front of a computer or television.
• Use flashcards to study your vocabulary.
• Take advantage of review sessions!

• Do not study what you know; study what you need to learn.
• Study with a friend, and quiz each other.
• Take breaks and try not to overwork yourself; it is no help to you if you're not focused.
• Take many practice tests to expose yourself to the types of questions that may be asked.
• Rewrite your notes to refresh your memory.
• Do not cram! When you cram, you take in too much information for your brain to process.
• Plan what you will be studying before you actually start. 

• Check out sites such as: and

Good luck on your exams!