Thursday, October 3, 2013

King Lear

King Lear
Jared Pace
​This November, set the date on your calendar, because King Lear is coming to the Homer High School! One of William Shakespeare’s most renowned plays of all time, King Lear tells the tale of utter tragedy and despair. The cast consists of:
King Lear - Erik Gustafson
King of France - Lukas Pizzola
Burgundy/ 1st Servant King Lear - Drew Gustafson
Cornwall - Jacob Jensen
Albany - Jared Pace
Kent - Stephen Hyde
Edmund - Wyatt Bush
Edgar - Jake Elkins
Curan/ 1st Captain - Patrick VanSickle
Herald - Benjamin Hyde
Old Man - Kenian Ulrich
French Messenger - Austin VanSickle
Knight/2nd Captain - Zach Randall
Goneril - Samantha Anderson
Regan - Lilly Gustafson
Cordelia - Liz Redenback
Oswald - Jordan Green
Doctor (female) - Tori Anderson
Gloucester - David Perfetti
Fool - David Fuller
2nd Servant - Becca Harquist
3rd Servant - Olivia Harrington
1st Messenger - Elena Gustafson
2nd Messenger - Hannah Whalen
Lear’s Attendant - Sarah Redenback
The cast and crew have been hard at work since early September creating the show. The play dates are November 22nd and November 23rd at the Homer High School Auditorium. We hope to see you there!