Friday, November 1, 2013

Success at the Fall Ball

Success at the Fall Ball
Kennedy George
         This year’s Annual Fall Costume Ball took place on Friday, October 25th. It was run by the International Club. The dance had great attendance and the judges had a hard time picking the costume winners. Some of the top winners were Brian Mitchell and Sarah Willsey, who went as Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin; Meghan Rahner, who went as a harlequin doll; Bill McLaughlin, who went as a crash test dummy; Peter Hartsock, who went as Gene Simmons; Jack Connery, who went as Dora the Explorer; Emma Gutchess and Alana McCray, who went as lion and lion tamer; Darius Stevens and Brad Sovocol, who went as Spy vs. Spy; Connor M. and Drew B., who went as a ghost and Ghost Buster; and Sam Anderson, who was the top winner  for her creative satyr costume.

           The International Club earned several hundred dollars in profit. This money will be used towards the club’s charity project. In the past, this project included donations to The Smile Train and to Heifer International. Some of this money will also be used towards scholarships for future trips