Friday, January 24, 2014

¡Hola Costa Rica!

¡Hola Costa Rica!
Kennedy George
           Mrs. Zimmerman has already been preparing for next year’s trip to Costa Rica. The trip is planned for April of 2015 and will be a two week visit to the country. Fourteen to twenty-two students are planning to go, but there are still slots open for the “Costa Rica Crew” for anyone interested.
           In past years, groups have visited the Costa Rican national rainforest, the volcano Arenal, a coffee plantation, and a nearby island. Students participating in the trip will not only be tourists but also students. During their stay, they will be attending classes at a language school, Intensa. Half of the students of Intensa are Costa Ricans learning English and the other half are people from all over the world studying Spanish. It is a great opportunity for Homer students to take part in the language and to better understand and appreciate Spanish speaking culture.
           According to Mrs. Zimmerman, the most rewarding aspect of the trip is seeing her students’ realization of the value of understanding the language and the purpose of all of the hard work they put into studying the language. This is a fantastic trip to go on if you are considering ever studying abroad or even if you are just interested in the Spanish-speaking world.
           Students will be applying in the next two weeks and there will be a parent meeting for the trip on January, 28th at 6:30 p.m.