Monday, September 22, 2014

Welcome Homer High School's New Reading Teacher, Mrs. Collins

Welcome, Mrs. Collins!
Meghan McGrath

Mrs. Collins is the new reading teacher at the high school. She was hired in February of last year, which most would consider a hard time to join in, especially since most students and teachers had already set a  routine to their day. Mrs. Collins, when asked, actually said that it was easy for her to acclimate to the routines (even though she went from a stay-at-home mother to a full time teacher). Her joining was made easier due to the fact that she was able to easily fit into the schedules of the students she was helping. She helps them in anything that requires reading, which not only includes english courses but also history courses. This is not her first time teaching, either. She has been a teacher for ten years and taught in a variety of places: Portland, Maine, Richford, Vermont, outside of Albany, and Plattsburgh. In those schools, she mostly taught at the middle school level, which Mrs. Collins says has a different dynamic than high school. Homer is only the second high school she’s taught at. She says there is a difference in the schools because of the ages of the students, but also because “Homer is a nice community and I feel the community in the school.”  She feels that the students and teachers have made her feel welcome, and that she has made friends with teachers that she works with. This year, she is helping out a new round of students and making an imprint on their learning.