Monday, January 5, 2015

Species Spotlight: Mandarin Duck

Species Spotlight: Mandarin Duck
Alex Levitskiy

The Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata) is an ornamental duck, and the male has arguably the most ornate plumage of all ducks.  A notable part of their plumage is the orange sail feathers that the male sports.  They are a medium sized perching duck that is related to the North American Wood Duck.  They are native to East Asia, although feral populations have been established in some parts of Europe and the United States of America due to captive birds escaping.  They are common in Chinese art since they were believed to form lifelong couples, unlike other species of ducks.  Mandarin Ducks are a great beginner bird to get started with.  They are the eye-candy of the duck world, coming in the natural form as well as various color mutations.  Their displays are fun to watch as they attempt to attract mates.  Another interesting aspect of them is their nesting.  They are cavity nesters and nest in trees.  The ducklings climb up to the entrance of the cavity and take a leap of faith as their mother calls them down.  This species will always be in my collection.

*Drake is the term for a male duck.  

(All photos taken by Alex Levitskiy)

Mandarin Duck Drake*

Mandarin Duck Drake

White Mandarin Duck Drake

Mandarin Ducks

Mandarin Duck Pair

Mandarin Duck Pair

Two Mandarin Ducklings