Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Casino Night

Casino Night
Mel Videto

On the night of March 27th from 8PM to 11PM, Homer High School’s Student Government will be running their annual Casino Night! It will consist of music, dancing, food, beverages, and most importantly, card games. Such games include Blackjack, Roulette, "Texas Hold 'Em" Poker, Let It Ride, "Pai Gow" Poker, Big Wheel Games, Slot Machines, Go Fish, Uno, Pitch, Spoons, and War. Several tables will be scattered throughout the edge of the gym, leaving the middle of it to serve as the dance floor. Casino Night is a fun, semi-formal event, so ladies, pull out your favorite dress and guys, dress it up with slacks and a button-up shirt. The admission price is $10 in advance and $12 at the door. One free item of food and a free drink are included in the price.