Monday, April 27, 2015

Andrew Jacobi: New York State Youth Governor

Andrew Jacobi: New York State Youth Governor
Kennedy George

The Youth and Government program has been enjoyed by countless of Homer High School students for many years. This year, at the state conference for Youth and Government, Homer’s district (District 6) had the honor of containing the member of the program who was elected as Youth Governor, Andrew Jacobi. This position is the highest position of the executive branch, which is the most exclusive branch of the program. The Olympian took advantage of the Youth Governor attending Homer High School and interviewed Andrew Jacobi about his new position and about his experience in Youth and Government.

Olympian: What will your responsibilities be as Youth Governor?

Jacobi: As Youth Governor, I will be the head student in charge of planning and running our annual conference in Albany and I will also decide whether or not delegates’ bills will pass.

Olympian: Why did you decide to run for governor?

Jacobi: I decided to run for governor so that I could help the program become more equal and so that I could become an influential leader in it.

Olympian: Do you plan to implement any new ideas to the program during your term?

Jacobi: Yes, I plan to alter the ways candidates can campaign in elections and I also plan to change certain procedures in the program.

Olympian: Why did you decided to join Youth and Government as a freshman.

Jacobi: I joined because I was interested in becoming a lawyer.

Olympian: If you could pick one attribute that you feel the program has best emphasized in you, what would it be?

Jacobi: I feel that Youth and Government has improved my leadership skills and has also given me the ability to speak my mind.

Olympian: Are you nervous to take on the position of Youth Governor?

Jacobi: Yes, but that’s just part of the role. I was also nervous to run my campaign for the position, it’s just the natural reaction. Despite this nervousness, I’m prepared for the challenge of this position.

Olympian: If someone were looking for advice on how to be as successful as you have been in the program, what would you tell them?

Jacobi: I would say that they key to success in Youth and Government is just putting in the work. I’m always trying to improve and I’m always consulting with my advisor, Ms. Giordano. Dedication is what will make you successful.

The level of success that Jacobi has reached in Youth and Government hasn't been seen in District 6 for many years and the district and community are ecstatic for him. The following year will be a busy year for Jacobi as he coordinates the program along with his other fifteen presiding officers that live across the state.  Jacobi, along with several other Youth and Government members, including Tighe Gugerty, Grace Gugerty, Jordan Laundry, and Kennedy George, were recently interviewed by the Cortland Standard about Youth and Government and his role in the program. District 6, as a whole, had a very successful year and is looking forward to riding that momentum towards an outstanding 2015-2016 session starting in the fall.