Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ag Lit Day

Julia Fouts

On Friday, March 22, 2013, three Homer FFA members traveled to the elementary school to read to second graders. National Ag Literacy Week lasted from March 17th through March 23rd. FFA members read the book, The Beeman, to younger students. The book talked about the work and care that goes into beekeeping while explaining the honey-making process.
Along with their FFA advisor, Kathy Pratt, three high school students, McKenzie Brown, Matt Dewitt, and Julia Fouts,  participated in the event. The students met with a Farm Bureau member, Heather Birdsall, at Homer Elementary to educate young minds on bees and work to the maintain the continuous awareness of agriculture. The students split to different classrooms and read The Beeman, played activities with the students, and gave each child a sample of honey sticks. Through reading and teaching younger students, FFA members were able to share their knowledge of agriculture.