Thursday, April 25, 2013

Rachel’s Challenge and Columbine Anniversary

Jared Pace

This past Saturday, people around the world paid homage and remembrance to the lives lost at the Columbine High School shooting on April 20th, 1999. The lives that were curtailed on that day will forever loiter in the minds of many people, especially the survivors. This year was the fourteenth anniversary since two Columbine High School students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, shot and killed thirteen people, injuring twenty-seven others. One of the victims, Rachel Joy Scott, created a philosophy that has started a chain reaction since then. Her message has inspired millions of people with simple messages of kindness.
If you would like to become involved with the Challenge, come to a Friends of Rachel (FOR) Club meeting or talk to Mrs. Giordano or a fellow Unity Club member. Both FOR Club and Unity are attempting to initiate a large chain reaction around the entire school district.