Friday, October 31, 2014

Are You too Old to Trick or Treat?

Are You too Old to Trick or Treat?

As Today is Halloween, we are going to bring you an update to an age old debate; what age is too old to go trick or treating? The opinion on this differs vastly from age group to age group and from person to person. So in order to better grasp what age people view as acceptable, we conducted a poll. We asked random students and teachers during and between classes what age, they believed, marked the end to Trick or Treating. Without further
ado, here are the results.

As you can see, the age groups of 18-19, 20+, and Never are the largest age groups for the student voters. It seems that the age groups of 12-13, 18-19, and Never seem to be most popular among older voters. Many voters seem to agree that death is the only barrier stopping them from celebrating Halloween, with Never being the most popular answer for both teachers and students. Roughly 1 out of every 5 students believes that they will be Trick or Treating after the age of 20, showing their optimistic, yet possibly naive, view of the future. Another 20% said that 18-19 is the end of the holiday for them, which makes sense. Those ages are typically right after the last years of high school, which were the last true times to spend with your high school buddies, and at this period friends are moving away and making it harder to celebrate. According to this data, it seems that many students plan to partake in Trick or Treating this year. Whether your are participating for the sweets or just to socialize, make sure to stay safe and courteous this holiday season.