Monday, May 18, 2015

Boston Performance Tour

Boston Performance Tour
Ana Shore

On April 17th, about a hundred band and choir students set out for Boston. Those students had been waiting and anticipating this exciting trip since the beginning of the school year. Six different groups from Homer performed amongst other schools and hoped for recognition at the awards ceremony at the end of the weekend. Blue Notes, Chamber Choir, Concert Choir, Men In Black, Ruby Rhythms, and Concert Band all represented the Trojans in their performances on Saturday the 18th. All of the groups had been practicing their music for months in the hopes of standing out and proving their dedication to music.
Aside from the competition, the students saw and experienced the many cool things that Boston and the surrounding area had to offer. After the long bus ride on Friday, there were stops at the New England Aquarium and the Hard Rock Cafe. On Saturday after the performances, the students ate at the Prudential Center and then got to see the Blue Man Group. After the awards ceremony on Sunday, the final stop was the famed Quincy Market and Faneuil Hall. Sadly, after this, the students had to leave Boston and return to the chaos of every-day school life.

They did however leave with several awards. Concert Band came in 5th place in the instrumental competition. Blue Notes, Ruby Rhythms, and Chamber Choir all came in first place with Concert Choir and Men in Black in a close second place. Kate Halstead won the award for the overall outstanding vocalist and Homer High School won the Tim Lautzenheiser Award. This award went to the school that showed the most respect as well as exemplary behavior. This trip was more than just a musical performance, it was a chance to experience something new in a busy place. It was clearly successful for both band and choir students and an amazing time for all.