Monday, May 11, 2015

The Invasion

The Invasion
Joe Settineri

It’s that time of year again; that's right, Invasion Time. The Invasion is when Homer High School hosts student produced acts, and sometimes even a teacher band. This event is held as a SADD fundraiser and is a rockin’ time. Anybody can come to play, sing, or even dance if your act is approved by Mr. Massenzio. Last year’s Invasion featured a couple of local rock bands, some acoustic vocal duets, a ukulele piano duet, and even a beat-box competition.The Invasion is a great time to show everyone your hidden musical talent.
The Invasion includes drinks and snacks, which is an added bonus to this fun night. In case you are thinking that this is going to be a boring time, you’re wrong! A lot of people show up each year, and it’s usually a full house, providing a cheerful atmosphere for everyone. Anybody that wants to participate must see Mr. Massenzio before April 30th to verify what they are performing and who will be accompanying them. All performers get T-shirts and a great experience. One never finds the true meaning of music unless they attend The Invasion. Hope to see you there!