Thursday, January 7, 2016

Species Spotlight: Hooded Merganser

Species Spotlight: Hooded Merganser
Alex Levitskiy

This week I selected to write on Hooded Mergansers (Lophodytes cucullatus), a new addition to my personal collection.  As the name suggests, Hooded Mergansers are literally “hooded” with a large crest.  When in breeding plumage, the males have an unmistakably large white crest outlined in black, creating an attractive contrast.  The black continues from the head all along the back and tail.  Their upper throats are black, while their breast is white.  Along their mantle is a white and black barred pattern.  Similarly, along their backs, there are wing coverts that are black with a bold white line, forming striking plumes.  Their flanks are cinnamon-brown colored and are overlayed by fine black barring.  Lastly, the drakes have a fine black bill and a bright golden eye.  The hens too have a “hood,” but theirs is smaller and cinnamon colored.  Their overall body color is brownish-grey, and their wing coverts bear the same pattern as the males’ coverts do.  Hooded Merganser hens have brown eyes and brown and yellow colored bills.  In eclipse plumage, Hooded Merganser drakes resemble hens.
This species is classified as Least Concern by the IUCN, and is readily available in captivity.  Being the most affordable and smallest  merganser species, Hooded Mergansers are a great duck to begin with before moving to the more challenging sea ducks.  Since they are naturally diving ducks, Hooded Mergansers require diving-depth water.  In the wild, their diet consists of aquatic insects, small fish, crayfish, and other similar creatures.  In a captive setting, minnows can be released into their ponds for enrichment and supplemental protein.  It is a joy to watch all Hooded Mergansers diving and the males displaying with their raised hoods.        

Hooded Merganser Drake

Hooded Merganser Hens    

Photo Credit: Alex Levitskiy