Thursday, January 7, 2016

Experiencing New York City

Experiencing New York City
Isabell Berthelsen

The world has many famous sayings about New York City, such as “Anything Can Happen in a New York Minute” or “If You Can Make it Here, You Can Make it Anywhere”. The quote that I best remember is the description of the city as “The city that never sleeps”, and after two visits to New York City, I think that that last description fits the city just perfectly.
In Denmark, we don’t have any skyscrapers or a big skyline; Denmark’s biggest city, our capital Copenhagen, is made of mainly old buildings, some even build back in the 1600s by King Christian IV. So by coming to New York City as a Danish small town girl, I was truly amazed when I saw the giant amount of people walking on streets and the big skyscrapers looming up in front me. I visited the Empire State Building and I saw the view during both the day and night, it was breathtaking both times. You feel like you are standing on the top of the world; everything seems so small and peaceful, you’re so far away from the noise and the rush.
As a real tourist in a big city, I visited all the must-sees. I saw everything from The Statue of Liberty to Times Square to the Christmas Market in Bryant Park. So after experiencing one of the world’s most famous and biggest cities, I can conclude that New York City never sleeps and if you blink, you’ll miss it because anything can happen in a New York second.

(The photos are from on the top of the Empire State Building with another  Danish Exchange Studen, Laura, who lives in Tully.)