Wednesday, January 9, 2013

SafeTALK Workshop

Ali Jenkins

Gail VanValkenburg

The SafeTALK Workshop was held at Homer High School this fall. The workshop focused on recognizing signs of suicidal thoughts and actions in others. In addition, students learned how to find guidance for those in need of help. Gail VanValkenburg, along with many other Homer high school students, attended this workshop. A similar workshop will be held in the near future for Homer staff as well. After attending the workshop, Gail VanValkenburg shared the following thoughts:
Attending the SafeTALK program has given me so much insight into myself and into my classmates. Spending half of the day learning how to help someone going through an awful time is something I can’t put into words. Learning about how I could talk to classmates and help them was a great feeling. I learned that there are many resources close to Cortland and Homer. There are also hotlines for everything, and they can really help. Keeping the steps of SafeTalk in mind isn’t hard; they’ll always stay with me. With the tools I received from SafeTALK, I can notice signs and try to help others, in any way possible. I will have these skills for the rest of my life, and knowing I could help someone is a great feeling.