Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wildlife Wednesday: Land of Confusion

Mary Cope

           January has hit us with some very unusual weather, lately. These warm temperatures make it far easier on the creatures living in snowy climates, by giving them a break. But, for some animals, is very confusing!
           This past weekend, I opened up my door to let the dog out and saw a creature scuttling around the corner of my house. The dog and I walked over to investigate, expecting to see a cat. Instead, we were met by a very large opossum, which, seeing the dog, promptly played dead. Now, opossums are not animals you would expect to see outside in the middle of January, but there he was!
           I have seen a few raccoons on the sides of the roads, which are also unexpected sights. As the temperatures rise, these animals, which would usually be hibernating, think it is springtime and start waking up! They may come around houses, sleepily searching for food. Raccoons carry risks of rabies, but opossums do not. There has yet to be a reported case of rabies in opossums, for they are immune to the disease.
           If you see these animals stumbling about, simply give them some space and keep any pets inside. Once the weather cools, they will once again recede into their cozy nests to wait until spring really comes!