Friday, April 22, 2016

International Club: Recipe Project

International Club: Recipe Project

Molly Burhans

Homer High School's International Club is always providing fun ways to learn about other cultures. Recently, a group of club members went to Ichiban in order to experience Japanese food and culture. They have now planned another impressive project, a cultural recipe book. All club members and anyone else who is interested was encouraged to bring in recipes from their culture or a culture that they are interested in. Once all recipes were turned in on April 13th, the club started to compile them into recipe books. Anyone who wants a book is welcome to grab one, but the real treat is on April 20th when everyone makes a dish from their chosen culture. Everyone is invited to this special event, and it will be yet another success for this great club. Make sure to come experience the culture, and look for future events by the Homer International Club!