Monday, November 28, 2016

FBLA Disney World Field Trip

FBLA Disney World Field Trip
Marleah Dentes

From the 11th to the 14th of November, Future Business Leaders of America had the opportunity to travel to Disney World in Orlando, Florida. All twelve people that went on the trip were able to gain insight on Disney’s specific business practices and leadership. They learned about their mission statement, and how Disney works to be one of the world’s leading producers of entertainment and information. FBLA learned how Disney is organized and structured, as well as business strategies that make sure the parks function in the most effective manner. Every action that the company takes has to be aligned with their core values and beliefs. The club spoke with a Disney lawyer, who emphasized the importance of having the right portrayal. They learned about safety regulations and other critical directives that must be followed. A big aspect of Disney’s success is the importance of communications; FBLA learned the importance of marketing and advertising to efficiently gain popularity and maximize financial earnings. After learning so much about the park’s operation, the club was able to experience it firsthand; they had plenty of time to gain the whole experience after visiting Magic Kingdom, Epcot, and Hollywood Studios.