Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Shakespearean Society Presents The Tragedy of Richard III

Shakespearean Society Presents The Tragedy of Richard III
Reed Cleland

On Friday and Saturday, November 18th and 19th, Homer High School’s Shakespearean and Thespian Society will present The Tragedy of Richard III. This is a truly unique opportunity: the Society has not performed a Shakespearean history in many years, and never before has it done this particular production!
There is a bit of history behind this production. Richard III was indeed a real person. He ruled England from 1483-1485. At this time, the War of the Roses, a civil war between the noble York and Lancaster families, was reaching its climax. Although the real Richard III was actually a fairly capable ruler, Shakespeare’s famous work would propagandize him as a scheming, tyrannical king one-hundred years later.  
The play is directed by Louise Felker, who has always produced outstanding performances as the Society’s advisor. Without too many spoilers, the plot follows the machinations of Richard, Duke of Gloucester (Drew Gustafson), as he schemes to become King of England. His designs run headlong into Queen Elizabeth’s (Julia Gustafson) desires for the royal family. Following the death of King Edward IV (David Fein), the Duke of Buckingham (Reed Cleland), William Lord Hastings (Elliot Gustafson), and several other powerful nobles to assist Richard in his quest for power. Elizabeth, her relatives, and Richard’s mother, the Duchess of York (Kate Halstead), do what they can to stop Richard from achieving his ambitions. Along the way, the characters are haunted by Queen Margaret (Kaitlyn Clune), England’s former queen who is anxious for revenge. Richard and his allies are finally challenged by the Earl of Richmond (Stephen Hyde), a young Scottish nobleman who heroically rallies his countrymen against Richard’s tyranny. Throughout the play, Richard constantly manipulates other characters to do his bidding.
The audience can expect impressive special effects, intense acting from Homer’s students, and a massive battle sequence where Richard and his cronies are pitted against Richmond’s followers. They will be captivated by Shakespeare’s language and three-dimensional characters. Tickets are sold at the door ($8 for kids, $10 for adults). The play will begin at 7:30 pm. Good luck to the cast and crew of The Tragedy of Richard III!