Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Senior Superlatives

Senior Superlatives
Marleah Dentes

Each year, the yearbook club has the senior class vote on superlatives. These are typically your “most likely to succeed” or “best dressed”. To speak more clearly, the seniors receive a list of these types of categories and choose a guy and a girl who best exemplifies them; the exceptions to this included “best bromance” and “best gal pals.” The process of picking out the categories is mostly standard each year. Members of yearbook look online for some new ideas for senior superlatives, but usually end up sticking to the classics. They end up making a list of over twenty, but the yearbook club votes on the top twelve. There is some fluctuation, depending on the specific graduating class. For example, there may not be any cute couples to fit the bill. Some of the categories this year included “class clown”, “best hair”, “best smile”, “most likely to brighten your day”, and “most likely to be a government official”. Senior superlatives are really fun and entertaining and represent the memories and personalities of the class of 2017:

This year’s winners are:

Best Smile: Macy Boice and Brent McNeil
Best Hair: Veronica Clarke and Marton Toszer
Best Dressed: Meleah Hartnett and Adam Walling
Best Gal Pals: Mikaela Elkins and Leah Potter
Best Bromance: Cody Johnson and Cole Compagni
Most likely to win an oscar: Kate Halstead and Drew Gustafson
Class Clown: Margret McLyman and Max Riley
Most likely to be a starving artist: Kristen Rahner and Brent McNeil
Most school spirit: Katie Mercer and Jake Riley
Biggest Flirt: Jenna Galeotti and Marton Toszer
Most likely to brighten your day: Macy Boice and Jake Riley
Most likely to be a government official: Jenna McMullin and Matthew Pelowski