Wednesday, December 14, 2016

FBLA Sponsors Pajama Book Program

FBLA Sponsors Pajama Book Program
Marleah Dentes

The Future Business Leaders of America are collecting pajamas and books to aid children-in-need!
The club is sponsoring the annual pajama program; this is a nonprofit program that provides children with new pajamas and books, especially to those who live in group homes, shelters, foster care, and orphanages. Many classrooms across the country have contributed hundreds of thousands of pajamas to the program. The Scholastics Reading Club has donated even more new books.
The goal of the pajama program is to ensure that every child feels loved and secure with a peaceful sleep. The program believes that a positive and productive day is impossible without this. Pajamas and books can have a huge impact on the amount of energy and spirit that the child has the next day. They expand creativity and imagination, which the program believes is an important step in creating better lives.
FBLA hopes to give these gifts to children in our community. Brand-new pajamas in all sizes (newborn to young adults) and books appropriate for kids age ten-and-under are the only guidelines. They can be dropped off in Ms. Calkins’ Room (#202) by December 16th. For every book and pajama set donated, you will be entered into a drawing for a $30 gift card at the location of your choice.

This is a very meaningful donation since many children in our community have never received anything new before. Some of the children have never even had a pair of pajamas. These pajamas and books could be the only things that they get all year!