Thursday, December 22, 2016

Underclassmen Host Fundraiser at Moe’s!

Underclassmen Host Fundraiser at Moe’s!
Catarina Kruman

On Tuesday, November 13th, Homer High School underclassmen hosted a successful fundraiser at Moe’s Southwest Grill in Cortland!
Moe’s is part of the Mexican chain restaurant that has exploded in the eastern half of the United States. This new location has been seeing a lot of action and was a huge hit with Cortland families. Sophomore and freshmen class leaders saw this as a great opportunity to collaborate with a local business and fundraise money for their annual semi-formal.
From 6-8 pm, all receipts that were collected were be added together so that the underclassman would derive a percentage of the money spent. While Mrs. Whitney and the underclassmen officers sat at a booth, customers gave their receipts to them to support the cause.

It was a very busy night for both Moe’s and the officers: restaurant employees were saying “Welcome to Moe’s” all evening as people continued to enter the restaurant. The night was a success for both parties. Moe’s got plenty of business and the underclassmen raised a large sum of money. The total amount of money raised was over a few hundred dollars, all of which will go to support the Homer High School semi-formal.