Thursday, December 22, 2016

Homer’s Largest Red Ribbon

Homer’s Largest Red Ribbon
By Stephen C. Hyde

Homer’s Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) is proud to host Homer’s 2016 Largest Red Ribbon in Honor of World AIDS day!
World AIDS Day is dedicated to spreading awareness of AIDS and HIV. It is meant to show respect for the 78 million people living with it, and the 35 million that have died from it. It has become a tradition at HHS to honor it every year by having people wear red clothing and participate in constructing a large ribbon on the football field.
SADD has been hosting Homer’s Largest Red Ribbon for the last six years. On the last school day before Christmas vacation, participants walk down to the HHS football field before classes begin. Everybody forms a large ribbon across the field. Every year, Mr. Michael Massenzio, HHS English teacher and photographer, photographs the ribbon for the SADD archives and the HHS Yearbook. It is a fun event to be involved in while still continuing to spread awareness of AIDS and HIV.   
Homer’s Largest Red Ribbon is open to all students and staff who wish to be involved. The only requirements are to wear red and go to the football field on Friday, December 23rd, to be present in the schoolwide photograph. This article used statistics from the website, the official site for spreading awareness about AIDS. If you want to find out more about AIDS, look for SADD’s Potty Pages (located in HHS restrooms near you) or visit Let’s show support for spreading AIDS and HIV awareness this Friday, December 23rd, on the HHS football field.