Monday, October 5, 2015

First Meet of the Cross Country Season

First Meet of the Cross Country Season
Alyson Witt

     On Saturday, September 12, the Homer High School Varsity Cross Country teams attended their first meet of the season at Vernon Verona Sherrill (VVS) High School. There they competed against eighteen teams for not only bragging rights, but also to achieve the team goal of success. The trail of 3.1 miles consisted of challenging hills and a wide variety of terrain.
    McKayla Crawford, a Senior at Homer, placed first in the Homer Girl’s team, which consists of eleven students. Crawford placed fifteenth overall out of the 161 girls who competed. These competitors came not only from Homer, but also various other schools. Overall, the girls placed fourth out of the eighteen teams.
  Grant Stokoe, a Sophomore at Homer,  placed first of the Homer boys and twelfth compared to about 220 competitors from others schools in addition to Homer. The Homer Boy’s team placed third out of the eighteen teams and received a trophy in regards to their accomplishment. With only four weeks of practice this was a successful weekend for the team. It was also a great way to build team camaraderie, which, according to Coach Graves, one of the Cross Country coaches, is the best quality of the team.