Sunday, October 18, 2015

Humans of Homer

Humans of Homer
Autumn Stevens

You may or may not be familiar with the popular interviews of “Humans of New York.” Similarly, and on a much smaller scale, is The Olympian’s new feature, the “Humans of Homer.” If you were one who mentally checked “may not” in your head, I’ll explain. Here at Homer High School we have tons of brilliant athletes, artists, musicians, students, teachers, and well, humans. Each of these people has a story, and my goal is to tell it for them. I will ask a selected human in Homer a thought provoking question in hopes that they will reveal a little part of themselves.
Now that you know a little more about what “Humans of Homer” is, let’s get to know me, the author. Here’s the question I randomly selected for myself, “Do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the ‘real you’?” and here is my answer:

Often times I joke about what my style even is. It varies from “I got this from the thrift store and I’m still not sure if it’s cute or not” to “should I continue my middle school emo phase” to “I am a princess and I’m going to dress as such.” Even though my style changes from day to day, I still feel like it shows who I really am. I do not have just one style, nor do I have just one personality. I wear certain outfits for certain occasions, I pose a certain demeanor for certain situations. That is who I am; a complexity of a person with a unique idea of fashion. I am Autumn Stevens.