Friday, October 9, 2015

Shakespearean Society Production

Shakespearean Society Production
Reed Cleland

After a well-deserved summer’s vacation, the Homer Shakespearean Society is up on stage again and production is under way for a Midsummer Night’s Dream set in...1967 San Francisco? Shakespeare is being brought into the twentieth century, where fairies are hippies, lovers are Young Republicans, and mechanical workers are labor unionists! Many thanks to BOCES for providing us with the use of their auditorium! More updates will be posted as the show comes closer. Mark your calendars for November’s production of a Midsummer Night’s Dream!

Director: Ms. Louise Felker
Stage Manager: Mikaela Elkins
Assistant Stage Director: Kenian Ulrich
Costumes: Mrs. Paula Gustafson

Theseus: David Fein
Hippolyta: Kate Halstead
Philostrata: Sarah Redenback
Egeus: Rowan Travis
Hermia: Tessa Brown
Lysander: Drew Gustafson
Demetrius: David Fuller
Helena: Elena Gustafson
Quince: Hanna Whalen
Snug: Benji Hyde
Bottom: David Perfetti
Francis Flute: Nate Johnson
Tom Snout: Will Anderson
Robin Starveling: Brenden Haskins
Robin Goodfellow (Puck): Reed Cleland
Peaseblossom: Emily Travis
Oberon: Stephen Hyde
Titania: Julia Gustafson
Mustardseed: Chrissy Rolfe
Moth: Abby Elkins

Cobweb: Leah Potter