Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas

Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas
Skyler Powers

Halloween is just around the corner and this brings many fun activities along with it.  However, this also can pose as a dilemma for some unlucky folks.  Many of these activities require costumes.  Whether you are trick or treating, going to a cool Halloween party, or even attending Homer High School’s annual Fall Ball, chances are you will need a costume.  But being the procrastinating fellow that you are, you realize that you haven’t put together a costume yet.  If you are in this situation, you are lucky because I am here to help with some awesome costume ideas that can be put together quickly and still steal the show.  So without further ado, let’s get started!
The first costume idea is for those Instagram lovers and hashtag spammers alike.  Take a plain t-shirt of any color and use adhesive letters or masking tape to spell out the word “Thursday” on the front of the shirt.  Next, wrap the lower half of the shirt with a bandage but make sure not to cover up the letters.  For an ultra-realistic costume, constantly moan to others about your aching back.  What are you?  You are Throwback Thursday, commonly referred to simply as #TBT.  
The next option is for someone who likes books and, ideally, doesn’t need to use their hands much.  Just take one or two catcher’s mitts and then glue a piece of rye bread to each mitt.  This may confuse those who aren’t familiar with classic American literature, but you are referencing J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye.  You could also always throw in some existential angst for effect.  
The next idea is a quick and simple one that is best for those arrogant clean freaks out there, but anyone can pull this off with the right materials and attitude.  Start with a plain t-shirt of any color and then simply glue several sponges to your shirt.  Then, as I hinted at, act as arrogant as possible.  You could even throw in a mirror which you should constantly stare into.  What are you?  You are “Self-Absorbed.”
Up next is a good ole play on words.  Once again, you will need a plain t-shirt of any color.  Then open up an old World Atlas or that new one that you got for Christmas that you’ll never use, not even when you travel to Timbuktu.  Next, take out your handy dandy scissors and cut out a section of a map that features several countries. Pull out your glue and glue the map to the side of the T shirt, but only to the side of the T shirt.  Glueing a map to any other part of the shirt would ruin the costume.  If you have followed the instructions, you should be a countryside.  
This next idea will satisfy even the most casual costume wearers.  This is a super convenient option for trick or treating since the weather can be unpredictable.  All you need is any pair of pants as long as they have pockets.  If you play the guitar, this will be even easier since the second step requires you to glue several guitar picks to the outside of your pockets.  What are you?  You are a pickpocket.  
For this sharp costume idea, you’ll need to pull that black shirt out of your closet that you never wear.  Don’t worry though, this shirt will still be wearable when Halloween is over.  Now, you may have to go out to the store and purchase some white duct tape if you don’t already have it but that should be all you need.  I hope you also have a fork lying around; a plastic one is best but I suppose a stainless steel one or even a genuine silver one will work too.  Just create dashes in a line going up the middle of your shirt with the tape and tape your forck under one of the dashes.  It should look like a road with a fork in it or, in other words, a fork in the road.  
I’m afraid we have come to the last costume idea on this list, and it may confuse some of you modern people.  You may be too young to know what I am talking about, but there was a time before selfies were a thing.  I know, crazy right?  Back in those days, people would flaunt all of their filtered beauty through a different method.  That’s right, I’m talking about self-portraits.  Now don’t break out your paints and pastels yet and don’t worry if you are a horrible artist.  This requires no artistic ability, but I think I should give the disclaimer that there are no filters available.  Everyone will see your real face which is a big change from those Instagram selfies which are Vignetted to death.  All you need for this “portrait-perfect” costume is a snazzy picture frame; a gold one will add a vintage feel but if sleek and modern silver is your thing, that will work too.  Then just use your hands to hold the frame in front of your face and voila, you are your own very self-portrait!

Well folks, I hope this list of clever, last minute costume ideas has helped you.  No one wants to show up to a party wearing a bedsheet or trick or treating with sweatpants and a pillow case.  With these awesome ideas, you can look absolutely amazing and impress and/or confuse your friends, family, and everyone else.  Halloween is a day that you can be whatever you want: a superhero, a supervillain, a supermodel, or your favorite catchphrase.  Don’t waste it!  And who knows, if you use one of these suggestions, maybe you’ll win the Fall Ball costume contest!